Friday, August 5, 2011

Paradise for the soul.

Old writing I did earlier this year.

--Jan 15, 2011.

How Many of us can say that we truly live in paradise... I truly can say I'm contempt with where I am but I wouldn't catalogue it as paradise.
As I roam the Florida keys today and see the beauty around us; but Many of us don't have the chance to even have a glimpse of it.

But I think further along, and paradise does not mean Hawaii or nothing less. It's truly where the heart is. When your surrounded by natural beauty that this world has to offer, and you have someone to share it with.

That is truly PARADISE.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! The first of many amazing blog posts to come :) Florida is a gorgeous place! <3 ya. (This is Charley, Izzie is a nickname I sign my posts with)
